Got a few hours to kill? This entertaining site serves up a nice roundup of over 200 classic computer games from the 1980s and 90s. The games here include freeware, shareware, demos and public domain titles.
This site offers a cool roundup of "abandonware" games (abandonware refers to software that has been discontinued or abandoned by its original copyright owners). Here, you'll find many blasts from the past, including Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Lemmings, Lord of the Rings, Zaxxon and many more.
This gaming forum is a good place to hang out if you're a fan of Halo 3, Microsoft's popular video game for the Xbox 360 console. The site includes info about cheats, tactics, strategy, and more. A Halo 2 forum is also available here.
A fun free online crossword puzzle game that you can either play by yourself, or with friends. Clutu features a bookmark option that lets you save incomplete games to finish later.
This fun site serves up a collection of almost 500 downloadable freeware games. Categories include action, adventure, strategy, RPG, side-scrolling, puzzles, board games and more.
Here, you'll find a nice selection of free games that you can either download or play in your browser. The site includes game descriptions and reviews. Categories include arcade, action, puzzles, card games, and more.
Need a helping hand finishing your favorite video game? This site offers over 800 pages of free cheat codes for classic and new games for all the major gaming platforms. New cheat codes are regularly added here as well.
A handy and well-organized resource for gamers, serves up a big archive of free cheat codes, guides, and hints for over 50,000 games on more than 75 platforms.
This family friendly site offers a nice selection of Flash format games for all ages. Game categories include sports, action, oldies, arcade and puzzles.
This site offers a fun collection of free games in Java and Flash format. Categories include board games, puzzles, action, arcade, etc. The site features a roundup of classic games, including Pac-Man, Mahjong, Worms, Space Invaders and more.
This site is a must for fans of Sudoku, the popular logic puzzle game. Here, you can sign up to have a free Sudoku puzzle delivered to your E-mail daily.
Do you need some help in tackling tough computer games? This freeware cheat codetracker offers a roundup of hints and cheats for over 5,500 PC games. The program is easy to use. (For Windows).
Do you need help finishing your favorite video or PC game? This site offers thousands of free cheat codes for all major gaming platforms. Here, you'll also find hints, tips, and walkthroughs for thousands of video and computer games. New cheat codes are regularly added here as well.
This site is a good place to go for freeware and abandonware games. Each game is reviewed and rated on a 1- to 5-star basis. Titles here fall into three categories: DOS games, Windows games and "Full Versions."
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