Here's an easy-to-use free blog and photo album service that offers many handy features, including a WYSIWYG entry editor, spell checker, multiple photo albums, blog search, stats, customized colors, personal profile, comment notify, RSS/XML feeds, and more.
A free service that lets you easily create your own blog by filling out two simple forms. also offers handy free services and templates to help enhance your blog.
Are you looking for more traffic for your blog? This free service lets you list your blog in an online directory. You can also rate and review other blog submissions here.
At this site, you can set up your own blog for free. Also, unlike most blog hosters, offers you 10 megs of space that you can use for uploading images. You can also customize your blog with your choice of over 70 templates and skins.
Here's a free music player that lets you create your own "radio station" from a library of songs featured at the site. You can then easily post your customized music player to your own blog (as well as your MySpace page, or Web site).
Looking for more traffic for your blog? At this free traffic promotion site, you can add your image or logo to the site's million-pixel mosaic image with a link to your blog.
Looking to promote your blog? Follow the instructions to submit your blog to this "topsite" (a list of ranked sites) to gain extra exposure for your blog.
Are you looking to start up your own blog? At this site, you can publish and host your own blog for free. features an easy-to-use publishing interface and offers free templates for your blog. Other free options here include RSS syndication and search-engine-friendly URLs.
Would you like to publish on the Web, but don't want the hassle of having to set up a Web site? Then you should explore Blogger, a free online tool that lets you post content on the Web instantly. Blogger, a popular service owned by the search engine Google, lets you quickly and easily set up a custom "blog" (short for "Web log"). See an example of a Blogger blog here.
This isn't really a "freebie;" it's the blog of's creator, Marc McDonald. Although this political commentary blog leans progressive, it mainly focuses on issues that the U.S. mainstream media outlets neglect to cover.
At this site, you can easily set up your own blog, for free.'s service is powered by the popular WordPress blog publishing system.
(Note: this site is temporarily unavailable). Here's a versatile service that lets you set up a blog for free and provides custom RSS syndication feeds for your blog. Blogfuse offers search-engine-optimized templates and features an easy-to-use WYSIWYG visual editor for posting your articles.
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